Sunday, November 13, 2016

Blog Post #J

I recall throughout my k-12 career that on the very first day of school, my teachers would present a test that was not for a grade. They wanted to test my knowledge to see where I match up to my fellow classmates. The book says that pre-assessments can be used before tests, when introducing a new topic, and to make sure there wont be too much material that students have already learned and mastered. I didn't like pre-assessments when I took them. I felt rushed and didn't like looking uneducated if I didn't do well. 

Online Surveys:
I LOVE online surveys. Even now I create them and post to social media to get an answer from my friends and family. When my dad was creating a food truck, I made a survey asking what types of food or drinks people prefer over others. In a school setting, surveys can be used for so many things. Students can fill them out to rate their groups, learn prior knowledge about the assessment, and more.

How would you rate your understanding of the video? (1-10, 10 is high)

Poll Maker

(A very simplified survey corresponding to the video above)

This topic seemed relevant because I did my group project on them. I recall in science my teacher would use clickers in a jeopardy-style review game. Each clicker had a number and only you knew that number, so when I would answer I would anonymously be up on the board. It took away from the embarrassment. I love clickers. It feels like you're just playing a game!


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Novak, B (2016, Nov 13) Tech created with Poll Maker

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